Shaving your face....a new trend in anti-aging?


It seems want me to shave my face to combat fine lines and wrinkles??

Yes I do. 

This is actually not a new beauty trend it has been around for decades. There are rumors to say that even Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe used this method to keep their skin fresh and smooth. Shaving your face not only exfoliates your skin but it also allows for your at home skincare regime to penetrate deeper and your makeup application to go on like butter. Ever wondered why men rarely have fine lines? They do shave their face on a regular basis!

Now for those of you who are thinking - "it's going to grow back thicker and darker!" I have to tell you that it simply can't. Shaving our hair does not change the structure of the hair follicle or have the ability to darken the hair. It is just not scientifically possible. If you have a blonde hair and you shave it - it will be blonde when it continues to grow. The blunt edge may feel rough as it starts to grow but it will continue to grow the same. 

Maybe you are also thinking - "I'm too scared to shave my own face." That is fine too. This is an option for those that feel comfortable with a a razor against our skin. There is always a chance for a cut or nick. For those of you that are going to try it out we do have a few tips:


  • Use a single blade razor and discard after one use
  • shave on dry skin, don't use creams or gels
  • moisturize after 
  • shave once to twice/week
  • do not use your leg razor

What will you expect to see? You will remove the peach fuzz growth on the face and with this gentle exfoliation the natural buildup of dead skin cells will decrease. When we provide our skin with regular exfoliation we decrease fine lines, improve skin texture and tone, and brighten our overall complexion. 

Take a look at international model Josephine Skriver talk about shaving her face for exfoliation in her skin care routine. 


What about Dermaplaning? This is a great in-clinic option. Our skilled technicians provide a deeper exfoliation with a 60 min treatment. Using a surgical blade the process starts with facial cleansing, a fruit acid cell de-bonding, and then a precise straight razor treatment across the full face and neck. Multiple passes are done with this method to give a similar exfoliation to a microdermabrasion. After the shaving step we then apply an enzyme masque to further break down the dead skin cells and to finish you receive a facial massage and hot towel cleanse. 

For those of you that have dense and dark growth on the face we do suggest giving the option of laser hair removal a try. Laser hair removal works by driving a heat energy into the follicle and killing the bulb and root of the hair. This is a permanent reduction for those terminal hairs that can be more bothersome. Facial hair removal starts at $50 per a treatment. 

So get ready to shave your lines away....